Baishi Qi Paintings valued at $500 million will be auctioned off

浏览量:230.0万次 发布时间:2017-11-29 11:44 来源: 作者:
Qi baishi’s landscape painting with 12 drawing is on display in Beijing. The most expensive Chinese artwork is expected to debut in this autumn, with an estimated value of 500 million yuan.
Qi baishi’s landscape painting with 12 drawing is on display in Beijing
齐白石作品《山水十二条屏》在北京展出。中新网记者 宋宇晟 摄
Recently, the reporter saw in the landscape 12 drawing exhibition site, 12 drawing line by line, there are visitors to the painting or photography or close to the appreciation of the audience told the reporter, he is to see the news about the work on the Internet specifically to visit.
Created in 1925 by qi baishi, each of the 12 screens measures 180 cm in length and 47 cm in width.
Qi baishi’s landscape painting with 12 drawing
Public information shows, Landscape article 12 screen on public display for the first time time is in April 1954, first appeared in Qi Baishi painting exhibition later, on January 1, 1958 to January 20th on Qi Baishi YiZuoZhan displayed for the entire quantity according to the twelve interplanting former screen TangHe inscribed on sweet child good friend Lin, the landscape article 12 screen is qi baishi gave the doctor zi-lin Chen work in the 1950 s to Guo Xiuyi and Huang Qixiang couple collection Beijing poly auction, executive director of Zhao Xuceng is introduced to the media, the landscape of article 12 screen is qi baishi around his hometown scenery creation, each work different subject matter
Qi baishi’s landscape painting with 12 drawing
  齐白石作品《山水十二条屏》在北京展出。中新网记者 宋宇晟 摄
For the work of clinch a deal valence, profit-structure had told reporters a few days ago, and with twelve year screen article single screen has the same size and similar subject matter works of qi baishi, ever auctioned off nearly RMB 100 million he wants the work to the achievement of more than $100 million, also hope that through this work, increasing the world’s art market focus on Chinese art, however, the reporter noticed in the poly auction website, in the sale focus, preview is not clear in the valuation of the work, just as consulting poly auction website with the introduction of the work of qi baishi landscape article 12 screen, called the work Valuation is the most expensive in the history of Chinese art Reporters through art network query appearance field work of qi baishi In this system, the purchase price of the highest works in Beijing in 2011, 425 million yuan of the pine Gao Litu seal character, wu lian This is taken on landscape article 12 screens Valuation has been more than a pat on field most expensive work of qi baishi clinch a deal valence in recent years Be worth what carry is, Landscape article 12 screen in 2015 has been rife that will appear on field, but in the end is not on At that time, the work will cause a lot of media attention Journalists access to the public reporting data, many articles have given landscape article 12 screen valuation, valuation and more than 500 million Some estimates more than 1 billion, some estimates clinch a deal valence may reach 1.5 billion yuan.
齐白石作品《山水十二条屏》在北京展出。中新网记者 宋宇晟 摄
Also in two years ago, many inside is also found in news reports have showed that poly auction for landscape article 12 screen policy value is RMB 1.5 billion yuan, the spring have news before the work floor price is 800 million yuan when the personage inside course of study thinks, clinch a deal the work once, is the Chinese art world record but this group is expected to create Chinese art works by the world record for the lead when the spring is not on as scheduled
参观者欣赏《山水十二条屏》。中新网记者 宋宇晟 摄
According to media reports, poly auction said at the time, qi baishi and article 12 screen of the delegate granted power of Beijing’s poly one-year loan shows (from March 2015 to March 2016), if there are collectors clear intention, the most expensive artwork may appeared in autumn shoot but the reality is that the work since then, never appeared in the field, even the relevant information can also be difficult to find until the second half of this year, this piece of news again became much now this Ceng Guang high-profile paintings appear on field again, if really can be A world record for Chinese art? We’ll see that.